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"Why are you holding a microphone in my face?" -Shawn McNamara, owner
Welcome to the The Anti-Hoarder, the smallest mosquito stuck on the Interwebs. When will the spider come after us? Who knows. In the meantime, shop with me and my 17 brothers named Perry at The Anti-Hoarder, your online shop for the things you knew you never wanted.
"Yo, Who Invited These Guys?"
Voted "Least Likely to Succeed" by my friends and family
Hey hi hello yes we are The Anti-Hoarder! We are but a small humble online store straight outta Boston, where the winters are as cold and miserable as my grandmother's demeanor. Just kidding, kind of. She's really a nice lady when you get to know her... Ah, who am I kidding. If she were a business she's have negative stars on Yelp. Anyways, this is the home of our originally designed products, and you bet your butt we're charging them outrageous rent. How else could we afford our place in the expensive lands of Boston? Please buy our stuff, I'm tired of sharing my bed with a pile of shipping boxes. It's messing my back up in ways that would make my chiropractor jump into a pile full of razor blades and sharpened pencils. At least, if I had a chiropractor.
Anti-Hoarder Exclusives:
Mailing Address: 607 Boylston St., Suite 265L
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Phone The Anti-Hoarder: (617) 517-0137
Fax Us: (617) 860-0342 (Please do not try to fax carrier pidgeons. It's a bloody mess)